TBS Energi Utama
Energy and Natural Resources, Indonesia
Indonesia’s premier integrated energy company with a growing focus on developing clean and renewable energy
TBS Energi Utama is Indonesia’s premier integrated energy company with a growing focus on developing clean and renewable energy. Its business covers power, mining, and plantation. TBS was born following the successful development of three greenfield coal mining assets; the Company then expanded into the power sector by investing in coal-fired power plants projects.
The Company has realized the importance of a common goal globally to have a positive impact on the environment and the community through its business, while generating value for the shareholders and the national economy. In recent years it has moved into clean and renewable energy as it looks into the future, emphasizing on sustainability in its current lines of business while tapping into potential business prospects along its journey.
The Company has over 800 employees (in 2019) and a total concession area of 7,087 hectares consisting of 3 mines located in Sangasanga, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. Total reserve and total resource are estimated at 147 million tons and 236 million tons respectively as per the JORC reports of 2011 and 2012.
The 3 mining concessions are operated by 3 subsidiaries:
PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara (ABN), a thermal coal producer
PT Indomining (IM), a thermal coal producer
PT Trisensa Mineral Utama (TMU), a thermal coal producer
Other directly / indirectly owned subsidiaries:
PT Perkebunan Kaltim Utama I (PKU), a palm oil plantation company
PT Gorontalo Listrik Perdana (GLP), an Independent Power Plant (IPP) company
PT Minahasa Cahaya Lestari (MCL), an Independent Power Plant (IPP) company
PT Batu Hitam Perkasa (BHP), an investment firm in the power sector
PT Bayu Alam Sejahtera (BAS), an Independent Power Plant (IPP) company
PT Adimitra Baratama Niaga, Indonesia, a coal trading company
Adimitra Resources Pte Ltd, Singapore, a coal trading company
PT Adimitra Energi Hidro (AEH), an Independent Power Plant (IPP) company
Board Members
Bacelius Ruru
President Commissioner
Djamal Attamimi
Dr. A. Fuad Rahmany
Independent Commissioner
Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.U.P., Ph.D.
Independent Commissioner
Dicky Yordan
President Director
Pandu Patria Sjahrir
Vice President Director
Alvin F. Sunanda
Teguh Alamsyah
Bacelius Ruru
President Commissioner
Djamal Attamimi
Dr. A. Fuad Rahmany
Independent Commissioner
Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.U.P., Ph.D.
Independent Commissioner
Dicky Yordan
President Director
Pandu Patria Sjahrir
Vice President Director
Alvin F. Sunanda
Teguh Alamsyah